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Sunday, July 24, 2011

University of Peradeniya

University of peradeniya,Sri Lanka...

This is the oldest university in Sri Lanka which history goes more than 50 years.It is located in middle of the Sri Lanka,such as  Peradeniya,Kandy.Likewise it is the most beautiful university in Sri Lanka and the whole South Asia.It covers with tons of flora and fauna  which exaggerates its beauty  to an incomparable level.So its grandeur emanates to very nook and corner.This university expands over  seventeen thousand square acres.Actually this place is gifted by our mother nature,why I am telling this is because it has a precious gift  called"Hanthana".It has  greenly plains and small streams with several tiny peaks cover with a higher bio diversity.Beyond that there are so many places just like as oases.Actually not only its  natural beauty its architectural beauty also a magnificent mankind creation.It is clearly depicting through its campus.

Faculty of Science

This is our Faculty of Science

Splendid and panoramic  buildings supply immense evidences to proof that.The ancient architectural excellency always depicts through each and every building which is  dispersing through out university premises.In this category,hostels of our university present a major place.There are nearly fifteen hostels  in our university which are spaciously accommodated to both girls and boys for their academic studies.If we are talking about more on this topic  these buildings imply the excellency of mankind's creations because from the beginning to the end each and every mankind erections are  designed with a some kind of carving.Even in a lamp post we can see an emboss of a simply decoration to emphasis architectural  excellency.If someone needs to observe these things please visit  our faculty of arts then you will realise what I am trying to tell  you.While you are walking around our university our fauna and flora will supply immense evidence to proof my above comment.Even our slates  paved small roads will bear answers to pull of your doubts about this university panorama.Trees are considered as lungs of our earth which provide oxygen for our survival. I think in this paradise trees are considered as treasures of this nature  because horticulture of our university  is an incomparable human creation.Why I am telling this is,can anyone  belief that a large amount of greenly pastures can colorize with different colours in different seasons through out a year and augmenting its beauty with differently colorized huge trees.For been given to  my understand it is a very difficult task.As a result of this magnificent work for summer all the areas are colourised with light yellow,it  is just like a yellow colour flower bed.During this season trees are entangled with yellow colour garlands.While you are reading this,you  will not believe this but I will attach some photos of the particular seasons to make you believe.Specially in winter all the areas are  covered with vital green which helps to meditate your mind in to an ultimate relaxation than never before.

Beauty in Summer

Faculty of Engineering

If you suppose to be here in winter  season you can witness how cloudy mountains of "hanthana" are floating with the sun rise.Even though you can witness to the sunset while  sitting on our greenly pastures.Actually this is not only for the winter.Through out  the whole year we are experiencing these sorts of  phenomenal incidents which are gifted by the mother of nature.When describing things about this gifted surrounding,it is usual to get  wordless which means that true beauty of this nature gift is very hard to put in to words.So I hope to attach some pictures of this  university vicinity.

True nature beauty of our university paves an immense pathway to our academic studies.The peaceful surrounding of here always  encourages students, to work hard to achieve their goals with a humble notion.Our university mainly consists with nine main faculties.There  are Medical,Agriculture,Engineering,Science,Art,Management,Dental science,veterinary science andAllied health science. These parts fulfill a  major role in our university.Each and every faculty consists with highly talented and veteran lectures.Therefore this place is a unique  combination of talents which is always deserve to render its responsibility toward the society.These faculties are highly equipped for their  academic needs.As an instance highly equipped modest laboratories can be seen in every experimental areas. Some out standing doctors,engineers and scientists in the current society were students of this university.Currently more than twelve thousand students are learning in here.In every directions this place is accepted as an ideal place for  higher education even in extra curriculum activities.Specially for students who are suppose follow sport as his or her carrier ,this  place is the most convenient place to start his or her carrier.Why I am telling this is, this place equips with a modest and spacious gymnasium to indoor games.likewise for outdoor games we have well maintained cricket ,rugger and soccer grounds and much more.So this place is deserved to act as a philanthropist to each and every student who seeks helps to success his or her life.Finally the utmost duty of this place is to make out a person who is worth to the entire society.

Common Building

There are so many opportunities to brush up Students' creativity,ability of thinking and many other life skills(competences).To this, there are so many immense chances are paved.The Student union of  this university propels an immense support for that.The world famous "Ediriweera Saraschandra Open Air Theatre" is the excellent place to augment students' creativity.In every year drama series are organized in this place for a whole month.During  that period everybody gathers around to the open air theatre to watch these dramas.Not only this ,there are other sessions are organized such  as research sessions are organized to promote our students' researches to the industrial sector .Specially Medicine,Engineering and Science faculties are engaged to this.Beside all these annual classical musical events are organized by the each and every faculty.The main idea of organizing these aesthetic  events is to maintain the students' mental conditions.Other cultural events specially religious activities organize annually for the betterment of this university.
There were and are so many well wishers who dedicate their valuable things behalf of this university.Among them current university staff holds an amiable position. They all work for the betterment of this university since they have  appointed to their jobs.
There are separate health departments,free counselling services to develop the students' mentality and to maintain students' physical health.

Open Theater in University

There are much more about this university to tell you.but I shall not lengthen this letter.If you visit here ,you will realise what have I mentioned so far.It will not difficult to find this place I think everybody knows our country  Sri Lanka in the South Asia.So then you can easily find out the  Peradeniya botanical garden in Kandy.Once you are there please step ahead for few meters then you will find out this place.So if you want to become an eye witness of this greenly paradise we are here to welcome you with our warm-hearted.
Thank you very much for be with us until the end of this letter....
And one thing ,I am also lucky enough to be student of this university as a colleague of its 50th batch .

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